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Thursday 26 January 2017


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Okay lets be very honest here. As women we generally feel insecured sometimes. We wonder what he does when he is not with us, if he is seeing someone else or if he feels the same way that we do. Before anything, lets establish that every guy is different in their own way. But however, we cant ignore some signs that become evident in the relationship when he is cheating.
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1.       The sex just reduces.

All of a sudden for no reason, the sex just reduces. He doesn’t initiate the sex anymore and you find yourself being the one asking for it all the time.
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2.       The romance is not there anymore

He used to text you randomly, get you food randomly, kiss and touch you more, initiate to spend time with you but now he has stopped. He doesn’t even try to kiss you. He is too busy to text you and starts cancelling the plans you guys have made.

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3.       Over protective of his phone

You were able to check who was calling him before but now when his phone rings he rushes to get it before you can even get close to it. Or he doesn’t let his phone ring anymore around you and is always carrying his phone where ever he goes. If he takes his phone to the washroom, my dear watch out.

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4.       Everything you say and do annoys him.

 All the weird funny things you used to say and do that got him laughing and calling you crazy now pisses him the hell off. He gets turned off by those same things now.

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5.       He has no time for you

He doesn’t have time for you now. He is working more, staying out late and has something on his schedule all the time.

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6.       Your instincts

Your gut tells you there is something wrong. Do not ignore your gut and instincts. Your gut has proved you right many times. Trust it.

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